
Servings: 25
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 50 Minutes


  • Chef’s knife/Peeler/Cutting Board
  • Whisk/Spatula
  • Mixing Bowl or Pan
  • ½ size – 2” deep production pans
  • Bulk Retherm Cart (or regular oven)
  • or Tray Service Retherm Cart


  • Mushrooms, Fresh, Sliced
  • Liquid Egg
  • Milk, 2%
  • Onions, Fresh, Diced
  • Feta Cheese, Crumbled
  • Black Pepper


  1. Wash mushrooms and slice. Peel onions and dice.
  2. Combine all ingredients and transfer to a ½ size – 2” deep production pan that has been prepared with nonstick spray (or coated with butter). Place pan in Multigen for 50 minutes.
  3. Bulk: remove from Multigen and serve alone or with a side dish. Cold Plating: allow to cool and plate alone or with a side dish. Place on the hot side of the tray to retherm prior to service.
  4. Divide portions equally into service dishware by serving size.
  5. Serve Hot.

Garnish: Chopped green onion or Fresh Tomato Salsa
Food Accompany: Any appropriate sides (salads or hot vegetables)